Nancy Ross

After breaking her hip in a fall at home, Nancy Ross came to Northern Colorado Rehabilitation Hospital to regain her independence.

Nancy Ross lived a very social life before her hospitalization. She was active with her church, played bridge, and hung out with her friends and neighbors. She spent as much time as possible with her two kids and four grandchildren.

Then one day, Nancy fell at home while getting dressed. She suffered a closed displaced subtrochanteric fracture of the left femur, a type of hip fracture. Nancy also suffered a left colles fracture, which is a break in the forearm. To repair the broken hip, Nancy underwent surgery.

After surgery, Nancy needed rehabilitation to regain her independent lifestyle. She chose Northern Colorado Rehabilitation Hospital to help her achieve that goal. Some of Nancy’s friends had been patients in the past and loved the care they received.

Nancy’s recovery was fueled by her motivation to get home. Strong support from her kids, who called Nancy every day, also helped her healing.

The hospital staff also played a key role according to Nancy. “Everyone that works here is a team, and I am so thankful to have worked with all of them! The housekeepers especially get gold stars. They were always so helpful, talkative, and smiling!” [My therapists] were very competent and gave me the confidence to feel I will be okay when I discharge home.”

Nancy considers her stay a successful one.

“Success is knowing I am discharging home today and have been given all the “tricks” on how to do well at home alone,” Nancy stated. “The fact that I can transfer alone is success, especially with all my weight-bearing restrictions!”

Excited to get home, Nancy plans to take one day at a time. Her future goals are to get back to her prior life and drive again! Nancy has two quotes for life she wishes to share: “Find something good about every day!” and “If you have humor and you have faith, you make it in life!”

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